Saturday, April 16, 2011

Awake, Thou Wintry Earth

No matter how long the winter, 
spring is sure to follow"

It has been the longest winter in history 
for all of us in North Dakota. 
We dodged a major winter storm yesterday. 
Some areas received 11" of snow. 
We ended up with about an inch. 
The snow was very pretty this morning.
I captured this photo in our backyard 
here at A Primitive Place. 
I love the contrast 
of winter and spring in this photo.

"And spring arose on the garden fair, like the spirit of love felt everywhere; 
And each flower and herb on earth's dark breast rose from the dreams 
of its wintry rest." 
~Percy Bysshe Shelley


  1. It sure has been a LONG, COLD, SNOWY, and HARSH winter.

    Welcome Spring my friend.

    Spring Blessing,

  2. What a beautiful photo!! (And gotta love Shelley...) ;o) Robin

  3. I am so ready for summer...but people say we could still get one more falling of snow just to remind us of winter...I hope not.

  4. Wow What a pretty picture! Glad you didn't get the snow. I hope we are done with it too. It rained here today..all day.
    Love the magazine.

  5. Beautiful pic of Mother Nature~

  6. So beautiful Kristine! The contrast of the green grass and white snow is amazing! So glad the heavy stuff missed you! Hugs

  7. Gorgeous photo Kristine. Spring will soon be there for you my friend. :)

    Warm Hugs to you.


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