Friday, September 23, 2011

On this First Day of Fall

“October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.”

George Cooper
(October's Party)

    If you ask any one of us, from A Primitive Place & Country Journal, what our favorite season is, we will all cheer, “Fall!” We wait with much anticipation for the cool crisp mornings, hot cocoa on the porch, warm fuzzy sweaters, bonfires, and roasted marshmallows!

    As we celebrate this first day of fall, we are also celebrating the addition of some new team members.

Donna Dixon joins us from Safety Harbor, Florida and will take over our Trash to Treasure section. She has some very creative makeovers in store for you coming up in the Holiday issue. You can find out more about Donna at

Frank and Pam Hendrix of Jeffersonville, Georgia, will be contributors to our Homesteading section. They enjoy reenacting the 19th century from the years 1820-1865. Their hobby encompasses the everyday life of the folks they portray. You can visit their picturetrail and blog at the following addresses:
And last, we welcome Tracy Kohlgraf to the APP editorial team! Tracy recently joined our staff as editorial assistant and will be working hand-in-hand with publisher/editor, Kristine Berg Doss.

Stay tuned for details on our September giveaway and a big announcement early next week.

As you celebrate this glorious first day of fall, please remember to take the time to enjoy the simple things. Enjoy playing in the freshly fallen leaves with your kids or grandkids. Visit your local pumpkin patch and pick out that perfect pumpkin or go for a walk and looking at nature’s beauty. God gives us the most beautiful things of all; nature and our children. Enjoy them both! : )
 Robert, Amy & Ashlyn



  1. Best of luck to all the new staff members and YaY to the arrival of fall! Keep up the good work, your Magazine is the BeSt!!

  2. Wishing a warm, warm, welcome to the newest members of the awesomest magazine around!! Happy, happy, Autumn! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Happy Fall you all!
    Welcome and Good Luck to all the new members to the magazine!
    It just keeps gettting better and better!
    Prim Blessings

  4. Congrats to the new staff member's. Kristine you did a great job putting these wonderful people on staff. I know they are going to add alot to the forum and magazine!!!

    Congrats, Donna, Tracey, and the couple Pam & Frank!!!

    Fall Blessings,

  5. Hi Kristine!

    We're still hot and humid here in Virginia, but I sure do look forward to sweatshirt weather and all the season brings! I also look forward to Donna's creativity in the next issue and will visit her website. Homesteading is exciting to me, so Frank and Pam's adventures will be a great read. I'll be sure to check out their website and blog also. My brother-in-law participated in revolutionary reenactment. We'd meet him in Colonial Williamsburg for events. It was quite exciting! I'm so glad Tracy has come to help you! Sounds like great additions to your staff!

    Terry :)

  6. Welcome to all the new staff members and Happy Fall to everyone!

  7. Welcome to all the new APP&CJ staff members.

    AUTUMN BLESSINGS to the BEST Magazine, Staff, and the ENTIRE APP&CJ FAMILY!!!

    MARLENE :)

  8. HAPPY FALL...the best season of ALL...there is none like it.

    I'd like to congratulate Donna, Pam & Frank, and Tracy to the magazine. They will be great contributors.



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