This weekend Audrey and I stayed much closer to home for another photo shoot and I was pretty happy about that! Last weekend was fun but I love traveling the back roads of central MA. There is nothing like a fall drive in NE in October! We even got to see some pretty late in the season foliage.
Audrey and I have been to so many wonderful prim homes and it is always so much fun to drive up for the first time and see if the outside matches what we have glimpsed in pics of the inside. Living in a very modest split entry myself, I know that exteriors don’t always giveaway what you find inside. Well Saturday , the homes exterior told the story of what we would find inside! I wish I could show you the whole shebang, but I have to save the full on shots for the magazine. I hope you enjoy these sneak peeks of the outside….
…and the inside ~ warning, lots of prim eye candy!! 
Oh lookey lookey – what do I spy here?? Is this a creation by Lana Testa of Winterberry Prims? Since this wonderful home belongs her very dear friends Linda, something tells me it is!
And David Testa made this stove board….
Nice huh???? And it was so nice to hear Audrey, Lana and Linda happily chatting away while I snapped pictures around the house. After I was done, we all sat down for a treat of Linda’s yummy pumpkin bread. It was fun to catch up with an old friend and make a new friend too! Thank you Linda for inviting us into your lovely home and making us feel so welcome!
This is a home you won’t want to miss in an upcoming issue! Make sure you get your subscription now! And if you missed any back issues, limited quantities of some issues are still available I am told. You can get ALL the detail if you click ~here~. ~**~**~**~**~**~**~
Now for the giveaway info! One lucky winner will receive this custom made canvas bag with the cover of the Winter issue printed on one side. Some of you recognize this photo as the home of Judy Coffey, proprietor of Country Plus in Hopkinton, MA. Just click on the store name to get to the website. Judy carries some of the same wonderful antiques that can be found throughout her lovely home! The bag is approximately 13” x 13”. These bags are NOT available anywhere for sale so you could be the lucky owner!
BUT that is not all! Because the lucky winner will also receive this book…
“A Return to Simpler Living: Early American Country Homes”
by Tim Tanner.
This hard cover book has 160 pages of pure eye candy. The book features 8 kitchens from the Workshops of David T. Smith and several amazing homes!
Is it OK to admit I am jealous of the winner?? I don’t suppose magazine employees can enter can they??
Oh wait, it’s up to ME to explain the rules and the answer to that is NO – employees cannot enter. SHUCKS!
Ok, so who CAN enter?? Anyone else who is a follower of this blog!
How can you enter?? By leaving just ONE comment on this post that says Please Enter Me. Emails and FB comments do not count. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure we have your contact info. Despite my warnings every month, there were still several entries last month that linked back to simply a blog roll or profile with no blog /contact info or to an outdated blog with no contact info. We really want everyone to have a fair chance to win so please make sure we can contact you. APP Forum members can simply tell us your forum name if you prefer to be contacted that way.
And another reminder that the comments here have to be both seen and approved by the staff before YOU see them posted publicly so if yours doesn’t show up the minute you are done, it simply means we haven’t had time to approve them yet. Okey dokey??
The contest starts right now and entries will be accepted until 8 PM EST on Wednesday October 27th. The winner’s name will be announced on Thursday October 28th at 8 PM EST.
And don’t forget to check my personal blog
for more about our trip last weekend and more sneak peeks of that home! I hope to have that post up later tonight.
Good luck everyone!!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Warm hugs and prim blessings! Linda
The Giveaway is now closed! If you do not see your entry it is because it did not link back to contact info or include contact info. Check back tomorrow evening at 8 PM EST to see who won!!