It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas at
A Primitive Place & Country Journal.
Our Winter/Holiday 2011 issue is almost complete
and ready for print.
We will be putting our final touches on it next week.
We are very excited to share with you that our Holiday issue will feature 6 Home Tours!
There are over 200 photos in this issue that will give you lots of holiday inspiration!
Cover photo from the home of Judy Coffey
Home for the Holidays
Photography by Linda Rudman
Home for the Holidays
Photography by Linda Rudman
Written by Dan Weaver
Through the use of antiques and primitives, a Hopkinton, Massachusetts shop keeper has transformed her modern day Cape Cod style home into the primitive dwelling of her dreams.
There's Snow Place Like Home
Photography by Linda Rudman
Written by Dan Weaver
A Halifax, Massachusetts couple braves the long, cold New England winter in their warm and cozy antique home by filling it with the collections they love.

Christmas Thyme is Here
Photography by Bonnie Lucente
Written by Dan Weaver
A Bolton, Connecticut couple perused their passions of owning their own business while creating a warm and inviting home to be shared by their family, friends, and customers.
A Muralist, A Purist, and an Optimist
Photography by Christopher Gurshin
Written by Jeremy A. Doss
For 45 years, Christopher Gurshin has been a New England old style artist and muralist, and along with his wife, Janice, they have transformed their 1740s Cape Cod into a prim/Colonial work of art.
Christmas Once More
Photography by Dan Weaver
Written by Jeremy A. Doss
Situated in a scenic orchard and where a farm once stood, now stands a house that has been made a home.
Mary & Bright
Photography by Linda Rudman & Karen Gerhart
Written by Dan Weaver
An Oneonta, New York shop keeper keeps the fond memories she has of her childhood and family members alive through her vast collections and love of all things primitive.
Historic Cabinets for Your Historic Home
Photography by David T. Smith
Written by David T. Smith

Hooked on Rugs
Photography by Dan Weaver
Written by Dan Weaver
Primitive & Colonial Inspired Decorating Ideas
The Magic of Christmas
By Kimberlee Johnson
Porches & Patios
Photography by Bonnie Lucente
The Ingalls Homestead
By the Shores of Silver Lake
Photography by Jeremy A. Doss & Kristine Berg Doss
Written by Jeremy A. Doss
Cooking Over an Open Flame
Photography by Frank Hendrix
Written by Frank & Pam Hendrix
The Homesteader's Journal
A Pioneer's Quest
Photography by Linda DeLarso
Written by Jeremy A. Doss
Trash to Treasure with Donna Dixon
Holiday Recipes to Share with Family & Friends
Photography by Kristine Berg Doss
Recipe by Tracy Kohlgraf
8 Easy Craft Projects
Tutorial by Kris Thomas
Photography by Kris Thomas
APP Exclusive & Limited Edition Candle
~ Winter Magic ~
A magical scent of fresh pine, warm woods,
citrus, and crushed cranberries blended with notes
of cinnamon and clove.
APP Collector Series Doll
Mama Snow
And much, much more!
The APP candle and Collector doll will be available for purchase in the near future. Be watching our website at for details.
The Winter/Holiday issue is scheduled to be released
November 1st.
I hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks
of our Holiday issue
and look forward to receiving it in your mailbox!
There is even more for you to look forward to!
October 23rd marks the 3rd birthday
of the A Primitive Place website!
To celebrate we will be giving away some great things!
But, you will need to follow us on Facebook to find out the details. If you are not already a fan of our page,
what are you waiting for?
Join the other 10,246 people that already 'Like" us
by clicking here.
The prizes are going to be amazing!
I just need to collaborate them with David T. Smith.
I am sorry, did you think we were going to give away one of his amazing kitchens?
Someday we just might do that! (wink)
What I had in mind is some of his wonderful redware and a new book that his kitchens are featured in.
Join us on Facebook and watch for details
on our big birthday celebration!
OMGoodness...such eye candy and interesting articles to look forward to. I can't wait!
Smiles, DianeM :)
Oh my gosh Kristine the cover is just beautiful, maybe even prettier than the fall issue (wink wink). I can't wait to get my copy! This magazine just keeps getting better and better! Hugs
OMG!!!!! I can't wait to receive it. It looks amazing.
I will look forward to this issue as I do all. The kitchen cabinet article is one I can't wait to read. Blessing!
I can't wait! I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
Carmen and the Primcats
Oh my goodness! You had me at the cover! I cannot wait to get this issue.
Thank you for creating such a wonderful magazine that inspires me to the max! I love each and every page!
Oh, the cover it breathtaking~ the other shots oh, my drooling~ looking forward to the issue, eye-candy & inspiration~
Kristine ~ I'm Very excited to receive my copy. See, I knew I should not have looked at this Sneek Peek! But, thank you anyways. ;DDD Beautiful pictures and so looking forward to all the new additions to this issue. And, the availability of the Holiday Candle.
YES! I'm doing my, "I'm so Excited Dance". Awesome news.
Thanks again for all your it certainly brings much joy to many.
Absolutely gorgeous!!! Can't wait for November!!
Sounds like that issue is going to be bursting from its binding with good reads and sights.....Can't wait! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
So looking forward to getting my issue. Thanks for the sneak peak! Cheers!
Wow, gorgeous as all the covers are and the pages in between!
Such a wonderful magazine.
I apologize for not visiting my favorite blogs lately, and i promise to do some catching-up with everyone in the next few days. We are experiencing cooler weather starting today (Thursday) and as for myself I'm looking forward to falls return to the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. And are the color of the leaves changing your your way folks as they are mine. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall season that has now begun. Richard from Amish Stories
Just perfect!! Who is the designer of the Santa in slide #8?-He's sitting on a small black apothecary cupboard.
Thank you.
Looking forward to the historic cabinet for your historic home. The issue looks full of wonderful perfect arcitles & lovely photos. Hurry & get here. Blessings!
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